Thursday, December 30, 2010

The need for technology - is more expensive better?

After recently having an encounter with a very comptetitive and materialistic person it got me to have a look at how I decide on the possessions I need (more like want) in my life, things I am fortunate to have and blessed to have the opportunity to enjoy.
I sat through this painful conversation nodding my head whilst thinking - can they be seriously this obnoxious - do they not realise more expensive/bigger is not always better especially if it's not what you need.

OH MY GOODNESS! Something I have come to notice is seeing people with $2000+ cameras shooting on auto - what is the point of that? I appreciate if you have decided you need a great camera to capture special moments but for goodness sake learn how to use it, otherwise grab a point and shoot it will do exactly what you need it to do and prob at half the price (don't get caught into keeping up with the Joneses cause they're probably the least popular people on the block lol)! Honestly I love using my iphone camera and playing with apps - it may not be 30billion megapixel with 2millions ISO ra ra ra but sometimes its all I have on me and it'll do - not like I am blowing this image up to bill board size or doing a wedding. Here is an iphone image:
I have this as my facebook profile image I think it looks really cool!

Now don't get me wrong just because you have chosen to upgrade and you have gone all out doesn't make you an obnoxious friend, but don't compare what you have to others because you, your friends and myself included have different needs. Upgrading to a DSLR camera with all the bells and whistles can be very useful especially if you know what you want to shoot or that you need high res etc for your job - then awesome lucky you! Here is something I couldn't have captured on my iphone but remember on top of the camera is an editing program (another one of those bells):

Both these pics are a couple of my current faves but I can also find plenty I like from my old point and shoot that lasted me 3years until I decided I wanted to take this photography hobby further!

I have recently upgraded my computer for my editing software and to allow my computer to run longer and faster but all my decisions to spend large sums of money are weighed up and are for my needs not for the desire to be better then this person or that person. If you are fortunate enough to be able to upgrade awesome - but that doesn't mean everyone needs what you've got so be considerate of your neighbours and possibly their situation!

I love new technology but for me to go out and buy it I really have to have a reason to buy it because spending thousands of dollars or even hundreds on something you'll only use once not worth it for example: Those ice skates (because you were so going to get into ice skating) or Those cigar boxes (because they look good and are a "collectible" ha!) we all buy things on impulse - I still do but I buy things for me not to impress others because other people do have more amazing things then I and that's awesome maybe one day I'll upgrade to that but I'm happy with what I have and grateful!

At the end of the day if you can use what you've got then good chance you'll be doing better then those who have "better" and can't use it to it's full capability!

BLOG POINT: Buy what works for you and don't worry about the Joneses!

Happy shooting!